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时间/日期Date/Time 2014.7.24(四/Thu)︱14:00 场馆Venue 繁星戏剧村Star Theatres 长度Duration 25分钟25 min 节目Programme 《

时间/日期Date/Time 2014.7.24(四/Thu)︱14:00

场馆Venue 繁星戏剧村Star Theatres

长度Duration 25分钟25 min

节目Programme 《头撞地》Head Against Earth

编舞Choreography 许一鸣(中国北京)XU Yi-ming (BJ, CN)

音乐Music 菅野洋子Yoko KANNO

灯光Lighting 刘诗豪LOW Shee Hoe

服装Costume 许一鸣XU Yi-ming

舞者Dancers 许一鸣、谢欣XU Yi-ming, XIE Xin

节目简介Programme Description


Human beings, men and women; communication, mood, conflict, lightness, perception, indifference, moving forward…

编舞简介About the Choreographer


XU Yi-Ming danced with Guangzhou Song and Dance Company in 2001 before joining Beijing Modern Dance Company. In 2005, he became a founding member of BeijingDance/LDTX and began teaching modern dance classes in the training centre. He tours a lot with the company and performs in many creations by outstanding choreographers. He has choreographed many works such as Dad, Twi and Twa, and The Snail. XU participated in the Zawirowania Dance Theatre Festival as an independent artist in Poland in June 2013. His latest creations include Waiting Alone and Head Against Earth.



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