2009年11月17日 09:31 浙江在线-钱江晚报 】 【打印共有评论0

2012 Makes The Mayan Angry

Last Friday brings the big theatrical release ofColumbiaPictures 2012,a new Hollywood disaster flick inspired bythe endof the Mayan calendar. But down in Guatemala -- the home ofa bigchunk of the nearly 7 or 8 million living Mayans -- oneelderappears more indignant than worried.

The Mayan texts say nothing about this, said Carlos Barrios,aleading Mayan shaman, over the phone Wednesday. These guyshavebeen talking about the end of the world …… Its not the end oftheworld.

In the movie, the world faces an apocalyptic naturaldisaster andMayan prophesy is cited as having predicted thecatastrophe. TheMayans saw this coming thousands of years ago,says onecharacter.

Barrios isnt sure where the misunderstanding in Tinseltowncamefrom, but it may have gone like this: The Mayan calendarinquestion (just one of 20 of them, all extremelycomplicated)operates on a cycle of about 5,200 years. For sure,2012 --specifically Decr 20, 2012 -- is a key date for the Mayas,as itrepresents the end of the fourth of these millennial cycleswhichelders say is symbolized by water.On Dec. 21 (2012), thefifthcycle begins, says Barrios, who insists that the world wontendthen. In fact, the fifth cycle will be a time of harmony andmorecloseness to the natural world. Thats a far cry fromthetrailers prediction: a tsunami smashing into Rio de Janeiro.(NASAis also trying to dispel myths about 2012.)

Barrios is (fairly) sure Hollywoods got it wrong about theworldending in a couple years. Hes made predictions before, hesays,and many of them have come true, from the date of theAmericaninvasion of Iraq to the presidential election of BarackObama.Forget 2012 as far as disasters go, he says. Watch outbetween themonths of August and Novr 2011. There are morepossibilities forfinancial crisis, says Barrios.

Asked to respond to the Mayan shamans debunking of 2012,SteveElzer, Senior Vice President, Media Relations, for ColumbiaTriStarMotion Picture Group said, This is a purely entertainingwork offiction.






在回答对玛雅巫师揭穿《2012》真相的反应时,哥伦比亚公司媒体关系部高级副总裁艾勒泽说,这纯粹是一部虚构娱乐片。 译文:幼芬

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