



亚洲首演Asia Premiere

时间/日期Time/Date:2016. 7. 23/17:00

场馆Venue:北京天桥艺术中心小剧场Studio Theater, Beijing Tianqiao Performing Arts Center

长度Duration:50 分钟min


舞团Company: 跃动时空舞蹈团(瑞士)Cie zeitSprung (CH)

概念/编舞Concept/Choreography : 梅列特·施莱格尔、基利恩·哈斯切贝克Meret SCHLEGEL, Kilian HASELBECK

戏剧顾问Dramaturgy:安德烈亚斯·斯托洛姆Andreas STORM

排练顾问Rehearsal Advisor:西蒙尼·特鲁昂Simone TRUONG

灯光Lighting:大卫·鲍姆噶特纳David BAUMGARTNER

服装设计Costume:尼克·蒂勒尼Nic TILLEIN

现场音乐Live Music:內洛·诺韦拉Nello NOVELA

舞者Dancers:梅列特·施莱格尔、基利恩·哈斯切贝克、马内尔·萨拉斯·帕劳、蔡冠伶Meret SCHLEGEL, Kilian HASELBECK, Manel SALAS PALAU, TSAI Kuan-ling

节目简介Program Description:


Komplizen is an investigative exploration of what defines communities of people with a shared goal. The formation of such a community is not much different from that of a gang who accomplishes to rob a bank. Meret SCHLEGEL, the mature dancer, is a ghost, a hostess and the gang leader centering the dance piece that is full of youthfulness, stoic composure and 70’s funk. The community is created and mixed together through elements of slapstick, silent movies and a celebration of breakdown. It empowers the audience to start their own gang and invites them to search for their own accomplices.

舞团简介About the Company:


Cie zeitSprung was founded in 2013 by Meret SCHLEGEL and Kilian HASELBECK after successfully touring their works To Be or Orthopadie and the subsequent full length work Orthopadie or to be, both of which were met with critical acclaims. Meret has had a long and distinguished career in dance both on stage and off, performing across Europe and the U.S. Kilian started dancing with Hip Hop and was subsequently trained in ballet and contemporary dance. Meret and Kilian were receivers of dance award from the City of Zurich in 2013 and 2014 respectively.

媒体评论Press Review:

“作品出奇地搞笑….一个全新的发现:一份惹笑、感人及发人深省的礼物” 《苏黎世红工厂》

“This piece is stunning playful…a real discovery: an exhilarating, touching and provocative gift.” Rote Fabrik Zurich


[责任编辑:冯婧 PN041]

责任编辑:冯婧 PN041

  • 笑抽
  • 泪奔
  • 惊呆
  • 无聊
  • 气炸


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