




10月21日上午,2016凤凰·鼓浪屿诗歌节第二天,主题为“个人化写作与外来文化影响”的诗歌国际论坛在鼓浪屿举办。诗人赵野,赵四,李少君,树才,李元胜,默默,韩庆成,廖伟棠,林于弘、黄冈、加拿大诗人洛尔娜·克罗奇(Lorna Crozier),英国诗人李道(Richard Bruns),印度汉学学者、诗人普利亚达西·墨普德教授、韩国翻译家金泰成等人在论坛做出精彩又有见地的发言。论坛由诗人、翻译家、评论家汪剑釗和诗人北塔主持。









MarlenaMosh's article “Personal Writing and Influence of Foreign Cultures”

Marlena Mosh

Asmy professional activity is closely connected with singing, I often wonder howinaccurate translations of texts of Armenian songs are. There is oftencompletely different message and different meaning in these translations andone cannot say the same about the translations of poems by famous Armenianpoets into Russian.

Forthis reason, I myself translated the texts of Armenian songs that I sing (partof them is published in the journal "Babel" (2010 in., Scientific andartistic supplement to the journal PRL "Translation World")

Youcan express the Soul of Nation through music and poetry and if the translationis distorted, musically it will be also expressed with other meaning. My lovefor songs was (and still is) so strong and so big that I would like to expressspecifically spiritual, and sometimes joky meaning, the meaning of intonationfilled with that authentic words.

Ihappened to translate not only the texts of the songs that I sing, but alsopoems of Karabagh poets, whose works I’ve been introduced in Paris. In fact, Ididn’t translate but rather embodied it, feeling and capturing the poetry intoRussian language, which became as native as Armenian. Nevertheless, not everyresident of Armenia can understand karabagh dialect, it is significantlydifferent from Armenian. While reading them, I see quite clearly the specificturns of the words inherent to Karabagh residents. Thus, I would like to conveyto you, dear reader, that I translated it the Karabakh poets, not just Armenianpoets.

Every summer, we (my brothers and sisterand I) were having holidays in Stepanakert, where I was born. I had especiallydear visual images that the poets of my native land created. Besides mytranslation was almost simultaneous with the same rhythm, breathing, and thesame words. Although, I chose from synonyms the one that expresses the tone ofthe author. Therefore, my interpretation of the Karabakh poets looks like aword by word translation, but it is rather falls within the purpose and meaningof the translated poems.These translations have been published in the book"Conversation with the mother." It was not difficult for me to do asI think and feel in two native languages and native Karabakh dialect. In mytranslation there was no influence of foreign cultures, all are native to me.

[责任编辑:冯婧 PN041]

责任编辑:冯婧 PN041

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