




10月21日上午,2016凤凰·鼓浪屿诗歌节第二天,主题为“个人化写作与外来文化影响”的诗歌国际论坛在鼓浪屿举办。诗人赵野,赵四,李少君,树才,李元胜,默默,韩庆成,廖伟棠,林于弘、黄冈、加拿大诗人洛尔娜·克罗奇(Lorna Crozier),英国诗人李道(Richard Bruns),印度汉学学者、诗人普利亚达西·墨普德教授、韩国翻译家金泰成等人在论坛做出精彩又有见地的发言。论坛由诗人、翻译家、评论家汪剑釗和诗人北塔主持。













Writing and Contemporary Oriental Experience in the Communication of Culture

Li Yuansheng

In the long history of China,poetry writing sometimes was as heavy as the national treasure, and was thesustenance of the education and enlightenment, and people even used it toreveal his or her own sorrows. Yet most of the time poetry writing stillremained unknown to fame.  But I alwayspay more attention to the infamous things than the national treasure. It isfascinating to think that the Orientals’ soul could be reformed so exquisitely.

InThe Books of Songs, Fu, Bi and Xing are three of the common techniques.Xing is the most interesting one for its ability to connect many irrelevantthings and their new combination will show out fresh sense of feelings. Xing isthe most modern one among the traditional Chinese poetry skills, because itprovided the poetry with a special sense of freedom. And this kind of freedomreminded me of the Zhuang-zi’s A Happy Excursion, the most imaginativeand free mental wisdom among all the Chinese ancient philosophical works. InZhuang-zi’s description of the nature and human being, we found there were noclear-cut and closed distinctions, but were always connected and transformed.

Yet Zhuang-zi’s free spirits didn’tbecome the main stream of the Chinese traditional culture, since it onlyprovided some intellectuals with a reason to lead a secluded and broad-minded life.Because of the solemnness and coldness of the Chinese traditional culture,Buddhism, who also originated from the Orient, settled down in the Chinesemainland easily for its inclination to restrain the humanity, endurehumiliation and bear a heavy burden as the Confucianism did.

Weare fortunate to have poetry. Poetry is an art form which can’t be controlledby regime and rationality, and poetry is like the lightning, whose unexpectedshining suddenly lightens the dark area where human beings have yet notexplored. No matter how much education and logic are loaded into a writer, whenhe is writing poetry he will always break through himself, and the mostvaluable intelligent parts in the poetry usually existed in the peculiar linesand the unexpected thoughts.

Dated back to my college, I wasmajored in engineering, studying and exploring the mansion of human rationalitymeticulously every day. This mansion was built with sturdy logic, which areincarnated as a set of refined yet complicated equations for each field. I hadlearned that everything needed to be planned perfectly without any potentialmistakes by my engineering education. But I got addicted to poetry, fromtraditional Chinese poetry to the foreign modern poetry. They made me free towalk around the mental spirit of earth, beyond borders and errors, andeverything could turn into a new path or a new future.

I often forget the nationality ofthe poetry writer, and the parts of the poetry which can be translated into mymother-tongue always bring me with the language lightning. The sudden thoughtsand discoveries happenning in the wrong path can always help me find a way out.While I was reading Rainer Maria Rilke’s Autumn, it always reminded meof the Xing in The Book of Songs. While I was reading Jorge LuisBorges, I would always think about Zhuang-zi’s freedom and unfetteredness.

The whole society is experiencing ahasty modernization, and every fragment of thoughts at all times and in allcountries gather in our minds through different kinds of way. Even we don’thave the time to differentiate which thoughts originated from Europe orAmerica, our mind works as the melting pot to recruit these fragments to makethem part of our mind, or we can say these fragments inspire us and some ofthem directly help us find ourselves.

So we are influenced by theworldwide culture during the improvement of my writing and myself. Foreigncultures that can be absorbed by us will be absorbed without people’s noticing.That cannot be absorbed by us just doesn’t belong to us, or might be waitingfor its day.

Maybe there is a single culturethat centers in deep yet narrow writing, but rarely does it exist, because mostwriting are deeply influenced and inspired by various foreign cultures, and Ibelieve it is the status quo of contemporary writing. But these inspiration andinfluence just provide us with more angles and methods to identify the burdenof time on each sole mind. What we need to deal with is the individualexperiences of Chinese in the fast urbanization process, and these experiencescannot be replaced by any reading and influences. They decide our writing’sfeatures and background, and will always be the most important resources of our writing.

[责任编辑:冯婧 PN041]

责任编辑:冯婧 PN041

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