




10月21日上午,2016凤凰·鼓浪屿诗歌节第二天,主题为“个人化写作与外来文化影响”的诗歌国际论坛在鼓浪屿举办。诗人赵野,赵四,李少君,树才,李元胜,默默,韩庆成,廖伟棠,林于弘、黄冈、加拿大诗人洛尔娜·克罗奇(Lorna Crozier),英国诗人李道(Richard Bruns),印度汉学学者、诗人普利亚达西·墨普德教授、韩国翻译家金泰成等人在论坛做出精彩又有见地的发言。论坛由诗人、翻译家、评论家汪剑釗和诗人北塔主持。









The Real Writing is basedon Overcoming “Influence”

----the speech on the “individual writing and the influence offoreign culture” forum of Kulangsu Poetry Festival


For a very long time, when it comesto “influence”, we have been accustomed to conceiving it as single-way“acceptance”, that is, only if there is the factual relationship betweendifferent works can we affirm the existence of mutual “influence”. However, forany creator with genuine originality, what he or she pursues must be theinvisibility of real “influence”. If the influence can be seen, sometimes italmost can be regarded as a failure.

The reason is that originality isan original power which is able to drive all materials to serve itself and alsoa strong and structural power. If it fails to include and integrate variousmaterials and allows part of those materials to betray their sources tooobviously, probably the originality is less strong than we have expected.

I am a poet worshippingoriginality, so I am relatively on the alert for “influence”. Faced withdifferent “influences”, I require myself that I should only use them to writeessays or impressions if I can’t control them and make them serve me with myown creativity. For poetry which mostly depends on originality, I will notallow myself to use materials in that way.

Especially today, we writers, infact, live in a “world museum”. If you are not an obscurantist who is braveenough to accept ignorance and blindly writing and if you have an ability tokeep your mind clear, not indulge and lose yourself in all kinds ofinterferences (e.g. ideological, commercial and kitsch) and have a good talent,then you are a real writer. You are not just a person who only aims at asuccess but can intuitively absorb good things like human culture essence andadvanced civilization……but all above mentioned are more inclined to create anopen mind which continuously grows, develops and perceive. It is still how yourown “heart of poetry” is structured that triggers effectively the influence of“poetry”.

In fact, the most effective“influence” of poetry can only derive from the things which naturallycorrespond to your “poetic heart” and Eureka. When it comes to you and goesinto your heart, an inner poet or some dimension is released, which will growout of its own path. You have no idea of what he or she will look like. Onlywhen he or she finally resembles nobody but every piece of good works have heor she truly matured. This kind of “influence” is a blessing. “Influence” mustgo through the way of internalization which means that you have an ability todigest the influence so that it can truly belong to you or is overcome by you.It will only help you construct the artist’s volition instead of singing foritself.

Many other influences, for poets,are a kind of learning at most, but a genuine poet cannot be an apprenticeforever. Once the construction of his or her artist’s volition has beenfinished, however open-minded he or she is and however good he or she is atlearning, what he or she has obtained is just a database which provides therepresentation forms of his or her originality. 

[责任编辑:冯婧 PN041]

责任编辑:冯婧 PN041

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