




10月21日上午,2016凤凰·鼓浪屿诗歌节第二天,主题为“个人化写作与外来文化影响”的诗歌国际论坛在鼓浪屿举办。诗人赵野,赵四,李少君,树才,李元胜,默默,韩庆成,廖伟棠,林于弘、黄冈、加拿大诗人洛尔娜·克罗奇(Lorna Crozier),英国诗人李道(Richard Bruns),印度汉学学者、诗人普利亚达西·墨普德教授、韩国翻译家金泰成等人在论坛做出精彩又有见地的发言。论坛由诗人、翻译家、评论家汪剑釗和诗人北塔主持。






谢默斯.希尼(Seamus Heaney)说,诗是「雅緻、忧伤和微不足道的」。每一个半夜踅来的诗的跫音都让我如是觉得。但诗人、作家的文字份量,是足以以撼动世界的。长大后才发现,每一个诗人的焦虑都是他自己的,但是本质上,「诗人要对世界作出回答、对世界作出反应,这会使他成为一个负责任的诗人」。希尼为我作了最好的注释:我们不用想像著改变世界,但是却可以做一个对自己、对社会负责任的诗人。

写作的这段时间,街头运动、青年、中产阶级的鬱闷都在岛屿中闷烧,与水柱激射成更袄热的亚热带。我持续关注,并继续书写,越写越烧,并逐渐感受这世界上没有所谓「文学」这件事。文字成其为学问,是因为生活,是因为飢饿,是因为渴。肚子裡的渴,灵魂的渴。就如同阿尔代什峡谷中的壁画,是上古人类歌颂飢饿的杰作,于是一隻手涂驯鹿便成为了艺术;而关注乡野间的死亡,把祭辞谱成九歌就成为了经典。关于诗的价值,希尼举罗伯特.弗斯特(Robert Frost)对于诗的诠释为例:「有那麽一刻,诗止住了混乱」。希尼说,「止住」意谓著某种障碍物,它只是片刻的,但绝不逊于留下一个位置,且为那一刻提供了某种秩序。




Writingon the Island——Lecture on Forum of the Kulangsu Poetry Festival 2016  

Huang Gang

I was namedby my grandfather after my hometown before my family went to Taiwan in 1949. Iwas born in Taiwan, a place like a bit of phlegm in the throat of my nostalgicgrandfather, viscous and sticky. The name loaded with implications follows meeverywhere, embraces my era, destiny, and merge with my new hometown, Taiwan.

My hometownhas become imbalanced in today’s economic development and suffered from thedisasters of typhoon and mudslide. At the same time, I witnessed that themagnificent culture of my hometown was turned into an inanimate misery underthe so-called rescue of the public sector. I have also come across some roverssuch as hunters, bards, artists, exiled writers as well as my relatives whoseexperiences can support several novels.

Peng is myfriend who used to be a hunter. He generously shared his hunting experience inmountains with me. Peng determined to be a hunter at 25 and lived in hisancestors’ hut in mountains. However, he told me that he was going to be abus-driver in Taipei (to make more money). The reason was that he needed toraise his child and could not be so selfish to stay in the hut. I can’t helpimagining that the place where I met him many years later would be in the busin Taipei, and his eyes were no longer sparkling. And the scar in the corner ofhis eyes was the only feature that I could recognize him. Then, I found thatbeing a hunter is something embarrassing to tell others, just like being apoet. It is a secret in mind because once you utter it, you are bluntly facedwith the question whether it is possible to earn a living as a hunter, or poet.

As SeamusHeaney has put, poetry is elegant, dolorous and insignificant. And I believethat every poem written in the night will be just like that. However, the powerof poets’ and writers’ writing is great enough to vibrate the world. Only in mylater life did I find that the anxiety of every poet is caused by himself.However, in their essence, a poet must answer and react to the world, so as tobe a conscientious being. Heaney has given me the most appropriate explanation:we don’t need to imagine to change the world and what we can do is to be a poetwho is responsible for himself and the society.

When I amengaged in writing, the depression of the street youths, the middle class isboiling on the island. This depression, together with spout contributes to thehot semi-tropical land. I continuously pay attention to this emotion and carryon with my writing. However, the more I write, the more terrible the situationis, and I increasingly feel that there isn’t the so called literature in theworld. Writing is regarded as literature because of life, hunger and thirst.Just as the frescos in the Gorges de l’Ardeche, they are the masterpieces toextol hunger by ancient people. As a result, a reindeer painted by human handsis art and the Chu-ci poem Nine Songs derivedfrom the author’s concern of death and sacrifice ceremonies is a literalclassic. In light of the value of poems, Heaney once quoted the Robert Frost’sexplanation: there is a moment when poems rein up the chaos. Heaney said thatreining up is just like a barrier that only stays for a moment and offers acertain order but does not leave a mark behind.

I can’tprevent prejudice and discrimination, or a new development, but to be a hunterstanding on the ridge is as hard as to be an excellent poet. Writing andhunting are just like double-edged swords which will not only consume youspirit and time, but bring little economic benefits, or marketable, commercialopportunities. Nevertheless, the common thing between poet and hunter is thatit can keep back the chaos in humans at some time. Although the game cannotkeep all the tribe away from hunger, it fed human beings for millions of years.I cannot block the spread of neoliberalism by writing, but I can preserve theethos of a nationality.

I alwaysremember where I came from roving around tribes. Every nation sails in andsails to Taiwan. Writing breads up my spirit and I hope that writing can solacesome souls. For the living, it is blessing and invocation; for the dead, it ismourning and oration.

——Extracted from the epilogue of WhoCut the Tribe into Haves

[责任编辑:冯婧 PN041]

责任编辑:冯婧 PN041

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