


韩国人,诗人兼剧作家。1976年生于韩国光州。曾被美国«波士顿评论(Boston Review)»杂志选定为“最佳诗人20(Top of Poem20”


韩国人,诗人兼剧作家。1976年生于韩国光州。曾被美国«波士顿评论(Boston Review)»杂志选定为“最佳诗人20(Top of Poem20”, 诗集和戏曲集翻译成英语、日语等,并在世界各地表演。著有诗集《我是这世界所没具有的季节》、《奇谈》、《安慰时差的眼睛》、《鲸与水汽》, 曾获“金洙暎文学奖”、“今天的年轻艺术家奖”等。


[Korea] Kim Kyung-ju

on lonely days I touch my skin

the music roams the empire of my inner body andyet I wonder whether it lives

the blue campfire in the radio I’ve smoked sincethe night I turned 12 and the blurred wind flickering, it picks up white noiseand waves it goodbye; so just now, dimming under the moist light of the lowlamp, I think of one echo flying to the opposite side of the earth

and heading in the opposite direction,

a postcard named the soul that I wait for

I guess tonight is about an impossible sensibility,I remember a certain artist’s saying, in this alley buying 20 cigarettes, Imight’ve thought of the Buddha’s cold eyes pacing back and forth, notremembering home, leaning against the wall in shivers; and because the Buddha’sone eyelash seems to have fallen somewhere,

from just the idea, 

I barely become music

among Buddha’s practices I love wandering most

wandering is just so

crouching, one’s entire life spent trembling,even on a day that breaks through all the love inside the heart, I wake in theattic where I used to quiver; whenever I think of this my eyes smell of theriver

for several thousand years the Walkman winds andturns the Ganges in my ears—rising through a tiny crack in the window, thesmell of the dreams that dead people in the river are dreaming—it’s either thator it’s the smell of dreams that died when the dead were alive that climbthrough each window in this city

in any case, why does this goat tied to the postoutside the inn cry all night?

recalling every constellation in the sky, a goatmight learn just a single expression for human loneliness

perching from the windowsill of the Baba GuestHouse, young Buddha bites his bloody finger— gazing down into night inside theblack water, 

there is life when the cries of my body’s foreignlands wish to write, 

and in my eyes, slightly trembling, the tears area fever




[责任编辑:冯婧 PN041]

责任编辑:冯婧 PN041

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