



时间/日期Time/Date:2016. 7.26/ 17:00

场馆Venue:北京天桥艺术中心小剧场Studio Theater, Beijing Tianqiao Performing Arts Center

长度Duration:25 分钟min


舞团Company:华晋舞剧团(太原) Huajin Dance Drama Ensemble (TY)

编舞Choreography:黎德威LAI Tak-wai

音乐Music:斯文·魏泽曼、马克斯·李希特Sven WEISEMANN, Max RICHTER

灯光Lighting:张镇添ZHANG Zhen-tian

服装设计Costume:巫嘉敏Moe MO

舞者Dancers:崔巧虹、贾若钒、梁晶晶、田霞、郭晓琦、李世雄、赵向阳CUI Qiao-hong, GU Ruo-fan, LIANG Jing-jing, TIAN Xia, GUO Xiao-qi, LI Shi-xiong, ZHAO Xiang-yang

节目简介Program Description:


We all have the experience of being anxious, nervous, lazy, pressured, joyful, or romantic. Choreographer LAI found that these emotions would change in the course of time. Objects from the past and fashionable high-tech gadgets are often clues for him to find the self from memory bits and from the unknown future. Strongly visual and physical, the work explores human emotions in an ever shifting world.

舞团简介About the Company:


Huajin Dance Drama Ensemble from Shanxi province was founded in 2005 and was known for their productions of Chinese classical dance drama Wild Jujubes and Opera Warriors. The ensemble has appeared frequently in major events and celebrations and received high regards. TimeLine is the ensemble’s debut performance of contemporary dance and also its first collaboration with choreographer LAI Tak-wai. LAI graduated from Hong Kong Academy of Performing Arts. He was a dancer with the Cloud Gate Dance Company from Taiwan and the City Contemporary Dance Company from Hong Kong. In 2014, he was awarded the “Outstanding Performance by a Male Dancer” by Hong Kong Dance Awards. He is now an independent choreographer and freelance dancer.


[责任编辑:冯婧 PN041]

责任编辑:冯婧 PN041

  • 笑抽
  • 泪奔
  • 惊呆
  • 无聊
  • 气炸


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