



亚洲首演Asia Premiere

时间/日期Time/Date:2016. 7. 25/17:00

场馆Venue:北京天桥艺术中心小剧场Studio Theater, Beijing Tianqiao Performing Arts Center



舞团Company:国立编舞中心灯塔舞蹈团(法国) Le Phare, Centre Chorégraphique National du Havre Normandie (FR)

编舞Choreography:埃马努埃莱·沃迪Emmanuelle VO-DINH

音乐Music:大卫·蒙梭David MONCEAU

灯光/布景Lighting / Set:弗朗索瓦·米歇尔Françoise MICHEL

服装设计Costume:可琳恩﹒珀蒂皮埃尔Corinne PETITPIERRE

舞者Dancer:玛艾瓦·坎奇Maeva CUNCI

节目简介Program Description:


Running on stage means going in a circle, constantly going back over one’s steps even if the paths vary, creating multiple curves and scopes. The act of running is not about speed nor distance but about sensitising the mind when the body is exhausted. The density of constraints — the pattern of a unique action, the narrowness of the space and its form— subtly highlight the rhythm, breath and body weight in hypnotic variations. The concrete nature of the act of running intertwines with other layers of poetic perception. Through the filter of running, multiple presences emerge and touch the audience. The latter are in the grip of a heightened sensory perception, constantly thrown off balance by the spatialization of the sound of the running, empathy for a sprint they are watching and also feeling its pace inside.

舞团简介About the Company:


Le Phare, Centre Chorégraphique National du Havre Normandie is an arts organization whose main purpose is to produce and present choreographic works by its choreographer/director Emmanuelle VO-DINH. Being one of the 19 national choreographic centres, CCN du Havre Normandie aims to become a hub for artists to develop a culture of choreography and to build references to contemporary dance for the artists as well as the audience. Since 2012, VO-DINH was the director of the centre. Surrounded by close collaborators, VO-DINH works in an open-ended process that emphasizes improvisation. While her choreography often draws on minimalism, she has been particularly fascinated with time, how we perceive it and are impacted by it.

媒体评论Press Review:


“Sprint is a piece about questions, always open-ended, delivering no rules unilaterally while compelling recognition through a radical principle. A very pleasing and intransigent modesty…”mouvement.net


[责任编辑:冯婧 PN041]

责任编辑:冯婧 PN041

  • 笑抽
  • 泪奔
  • 惊呆
  • 无聊
  • 气炸


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