



时间/日期Time/Date:2016. 7. 24/17:00

场馆Venue:北京天桥艺术中心小剧场Studio Theater, Beijing Tianqiao Performing Arts Center

长度Duration:50 分钟min


舞团Company:艾斯普瑞蔓蒂舞蹈团(意大利)E.sperimenti Dance Company (IT)

编舞Choreography:费代里卡·加林贝蒂、马蒂亚·德·维吉利斯、弗朗西斯科·迪·卢齐奥Federica GALIMBERTI, Mattia DE VIRGILIIS, Francesco DI LUZIO

音乐Music:威尔第、莱翁卡瓦洛、罗西尼、亨德尔、莫扎特Verdi, Leoncavallo, Rossini, Handel, Mozart

音乐顾问Music Consulting:马可·施阿沃尼Marco SCHIAVONI

舞台布景Set:安琪罗·乔齐Angelo CIOCI

灯光Lighting:安琪罗·乔齐Angelo CIOCI – S.T.C.T.


舞者Dancers:费代里卡·加林贝蒂、菲利波·布拉措、马蒂亚·德·维吉利斯、弗朗西斯科·迪·卢齐奥、埃莱奥诺拉·利皮、斯特凡诺·奧托尤、西尔维亚·皮纳、达尼埃莱·托蒂、安德里亚·弗拉里尼(替补) Federica GALIMBERTI, Filippo BRACO, Mattiade VIRGILIIS, Francesco DI LUZIO, Eleonora LIPPI, Stefano OTOYO, Silvia PINNA, Daniele TOTI, Andrea FERRARINI(Substitute)

节目简介Program Description:


Hopera is a dreamlike journey in the melodies of famous Bel Canto. The choreography is composed of a high energy movement language that is drawn from different genres and styles. Sprinkled with gestural plots, nonsense and a touch of madness, the arias by Verdi, Leoncavallo, Rossini, Handel and Mozart are re-interpreted in the dance piece with a new perspective that is filled with subtle humour and youthful vigour. Tradition and innovation are knitted nicely together and make this work appealing to audience both young and old.

舞团简介About the Company:


E.sperimenti Dance Company was co-founded by GALIMBERTI, VIRGILIIS, and DI LUZIO,who have been working together for 10 years, performing throughout America, Europe and Asia, including presentations in several Year of Italian Culture expeditions. Being co-founders, dancers and choreographers from different backgrounds and with varied experiences, the ensemble exhibits strong individuality and harmony at the same time and create a special dynamic that speaks to the general public.

媒体评论Press Review:


Excellence of Italian contemporary dance... Giornaledelladanza.com

网站Website:www.esperimentidancecompany.com   www.ilgdo.com

[责任编辑:冯婧 PN041]

责任编辑:冯婧 PN041

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