



时间/日期Time/Date:2016.7.24 17:00

场馆Venue:北京天桥艺术中心小剧场Studio Theater, Beijing Tianqiao Performing Arts Center


节目Program:《三人行》Three’s a Crowd

舞团Company:北京雷动天下现代舞团(北京)BeijingDance/LDTX (BJ)

编舞Choreography:范璐FAN Lu

音乐Music:增田俊郎、埃里克·哈利、自由风、艾斯塔斯·通尼Toshio MASUDA, Eric HARRY, Free Style, Estas TONNE

舞者Dancers:范璐、阿迪亚、刘学芳FAN Lu, ADIYA, LIU Xue-fang

节目简介Program Description:


Each person walks on his own path; many paths cross, thus people connect.

舞团简介About the Company:


Founded in September 2005, BeijingDance/LDTX is China’s first professional dance company founded independently from the government. Under the artistic direction of Willy TSAO, China’s foremost figure in modern dance, and Deputy Artistic Director LI Han-zhong, the Company presents an ensemble of technically exquisite dancers with a diverse repertoire. With a new generation of artists in China, BeijingDance/LDTX becomes a platform of creativity and serves as both a leader and a catalyst for the contemporary culture and modern dance appreciation movement in China. In addition to performing regularly in Beijing, the Company has represented China and toured extensively across the world, appearing in America, Europe, Australia and Asia.

媒体评论Press Review:


“BeijingDance/LDTX keeps creating miracles for contemporary dance in China through its charismatic openness and vision in the art.” China Cultural Journal


[责任编辑:冯婧 PN041]

责任编辑:冯婧 PN041

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