



时间/日期Time/Date:2016. 7.23 / 20:00

场馆Venue:北京天桥艺术中心大剧场Grand Theater, Beijing Tianqiao Performing Arts Center



舞团Company:平头舞团(以色列)Inbal Pinto and Avshalom Pollak Dance Company (IL)

编舞/布景/配乐Choreography/Set/Soundtrack:茵芭·平托、奥仲洛姆·波拉克Inbal PINTO, Avshalom POLLAK

助理编舞Assistant Choreography:黛娜·齐夫、埃拉·罗瑟查尔德(发展) Dina ZIV, Ella ROTHCHILD (development)

灯光Lighting:古尔库夫·蒂沃利Yoann TIVOLI

插图及动画Illustration and Animation:史米丽蒂·艾尔卡纳提、罗尼·费希迈Shimrit ELKANATI, Roni FAHIMA

道具Props:瑞·瓦思比·延耐、施洛米·埃格Roi Vaspi YANAI, Shlomi EIGER

音乐Music:安布罗斯及其乐队、安·谢尔顿、贝多芬、康塔普森马戏团、茜尔杜·古德那多特尔、新奥尔良街头音乐家、维克托·波波夫Ambrose and His Orchestra, Ann SHELTON, Beethoven, Circus Contaption, Hildur GUDNADOTTIR, New Orleans Street Musicians, Victor POPOV

服装Costume:茵芭·平托、奥仲洛姆·波拉克、罗莎琳德·诺克特尔(助理设计) Inbal PINTO, Avshalom POLLAK, Rosalind NOCTOR (assistant designer)

舞者Dancers:杰瑞米·阿尔伯格、埃里尔·吉尔巴特、诺佳·哈梅林、玛塔-路易莎·扬科夫斯卡、科黛拉·兰格、阿密特·马斯奴Jeremy ALBERGE, Ariel GELBART, Noga HARMELIN, Marta-Luiza JANKOWSKA, Cordelia LANGE, Amit MARSINO

演员Actor:兹维·菲什森Zvi FISHZON

节目简介Program Description:


Dust uses dance movement to demonstrate the constantly varying state of dust, symbolizing the ups and downs in life. Dust is a fine substance that cannot be defined; it takes and loses form; it swirls; it rises to the air, it drops to the ground and swirls again. Like dust, we all could lose our ways, dissolve, connect and break apart, find each other and separate once more. Things formed of dust can be easily scattered, and then have to start all over again. PINTO and POLLAK have shown us a glimpse of life through the swirling dust In a unique movement style and theatrical choreography.

舞团简介About the Company:


Since 1992 PINTO has been working with POLLAK, with whom she founded The Inbal Pinto and Avshalom Pollak Dance Company. PINTO started formal dance training since young. She danced with Batsheva Dance Company and was invited twice to the American Dance Festival. POLLAK was trained as a classical actor and has appeared in films and television programs as well as taking leading roles in classical plays. Together, they have been involved in a variety of artistic endeavors - mainly the creation, direction, choreography and design of unique and award-winning dance performances for their company. Their productions have been presented and acclaimed in Israel as well as many other countries. In 2011, PINTO and POLLAK were given Israel's Ministry of Culture Award for Creation, for the works Toros and Rushes Plus. Their creation Wallflower received the Israel Critics Circle award as the "Best Dance Show of 2014” . The Company aims at making connections among various artistic disciplines to convey new stage creations informed by memories, longings, ideas and imagination.

媒体评论Press Review:


“Virtuoso quality of dancers, along with wonderful illustrations. The creation Dust is an invitation to a requiem for a fairy-tale world, poetic and sad. It is about life, the forces of nature, and hope.” Haarets


[责任编辑:冯婧 PN041]

责任编辑:冯婧 PN041

  • 笑抽
  • 泪奔
  • 惊呆
  • 无聊
  • 气炸


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