







音乐:宋昭 AIYS(大提琴)



迪亚娜·贝列西|Diana Bellessi

迪亚娜·贝列西|Diana Bellessi

阿根廷当代著名诗人,1946年生于圣塔菲省(Santa Fé),是1983年军政府独裁结束后的新时期该国最具代表性的诗人之一,亦是当代拉丁美洲诗歌最重要的声音之一。贝列西已出版15部诗集,并被陆续翻译成英、法、德等多種語言;自1972年的处女作《命运与宣言 》(Destino y propagaciones)到最晚近的2018年作品《爱如死般坚强》(Fuerte como la muerte es el amor),她保持着每十年完成三至四本诗集的丰盛创造力。贝列西于 1993 年获古根海姆基金会诗歌奖(Guggenheim Fellowship in poetry),2011 年获阿根廷国家诗歌奖,并于2004 年和 2014 年两度获 Konex 奖*。2012年,关于贝列西的人物纪录长片《秘密花园》(El jardín secreto)上映。贝列西的作品意象大胆,声音笃定。她阅历丰富,20 世纪 70 年代曾花了六年时间徒步走遍整个美洲,曾在布宜诺斯艾利斯监狱的写作工作坊中教课数年。

Poet from the province of Santa Fé in Argentina. Born in 1946, she has

become one of the foremost voices in Latin America, her many awards include: 1993

Guggenheim Fellowship in poetry, 1996 Antorchas Foundation fellowship, 2004 Premio

Konex, Merit Award, 2007 Fondo Nacional de las Artes, lifetime award in poetry. Her

work demonstrates a deep commitment to progressive politicals, ecological conservation

and the social condition of the working class in Argentina and Latin America. Her poetry is

seen as groundbreaking for its depiction of Lesbian desire and has exerted a strong influence

on prominent poets and writers from the 80s and 90s through to the present day.

郑楠|Zheng Nan

郑楠|Zheng Nan


Critic, translator, assistant professor of Spanish in the Department of Spanish, Portuguese and Italian

School of Foreign Languages, Peking University, doctoral supervisor. Her research direction is 20th and 21st century Hispanic American literatures and cultures. She has translated Leonora Carrington’s Down Below (2023), Álvaro Enrique’s Muerte súbita (2018), and Valeria Luiselli’s La historia de mis dientes (2018).

李超|Li Chao

李超|Li Chao

舞者,不再儿戏(nomoreplay)创始人,毕业于北京舞蹈学院编导系现代舞专业。个人代表作有 《旅行》《forex》等。曾任国家大剧院原创歌剧《灰姑娘》编舞及舞者,国家大剧院原创当代舞剧 《洗星海》编导,张艺谋导演作品《2047对话·寓言》第二季《号子·染》和《2047对话·寓言》第三季《南音·爱唱书·染》编导/编舞,并多次参加国内外艺术节与剧场。

Li Chao graduated from Beijing Dance Academy major in contemporary choreography. He is an independent dancer choreographer, also the founder of the studio nomoreplay. As a dancer, Chao played in Sidi Larbi’s dance work Genesis. As choreographer he was commissioned to create a piece for Apologue directed by Zhang Yimou in 2018 and 2019. Chao’s personal choreographic works include Journey, For ex, Ex Next, Don’t I know you, Best Before,etc. Several of his creations have been selected/supported by China Youth Dance Talents Training Program. His many other choreographic works include original dance drama Cinderella (NCPA),Gate, Chinese Orphan (National Arts Foundation Program), Exchange (Young Artists Platform 2017), Nothing more than Two Circles (2019), Pain (2020), Xianxinghai(2021).

宋昭 AIYS|Aiys Song

宋昭 AIYS|Aiys Song

中国先锋大提琴艺术家,活跃于国内外音乐会、戏剧、舞剧、展览、影视等前沿艺术领域;曾以应邀参加香港艺术节、墨尔本艺术节、美国 ASIASociety、上海国际艺术节等一线艺术节,并先后制作推出:《耘·无声之境》《乐·季》《丝绸》《七贤》《座右听音》等大型当代东方音乐艺术项目,其作品赢得包括全球40个国家观衆的高度赞誉,被誉为国内最赋予创造力的多元音乐艺术家。

Since 1998, Aiys Song, as a cello soloist, chamber concert performer, pioneer cellist, has been active

in fields of a variety of concerts, dramas, dance dramas, exhibitions and films, as well as the cutting-

edge area of China art circle. During this period, he was invited to take part in various Art Festivals

at home and abroad, such as the Hong Kong Arts Festival, the Melbourne Festival, the Asia Society

based in New York, the COIL Festival, the Israel International Arts Festival, the Bialyztok Art

Festival, the Audi Yingjie Music, the Beijing Music Festival, the Music Festival of the Central

Conservatory of Music, the Hennessy Music, and performed for the Deutscher Akademischer

Austausch Dienst (DAAD) Arts and Culture Foundation in Germany and the Siemens Music

Foundation. In addition, Aiys has been awarded a decent scholarship by the DAAD Art and Culture

Foundation, and the world-class late musicians Mstislav Rostropovich and Isaac Stern had once

spoke highly of Song by remarking that “He is a talented cellist” and “uniquely gifted cellist”.


林国伟 | Lim Kok Wai Benny

林国伟 | Lim Kok Wai Benny


Benny Lim is Associate Professor of Practice in Cultural Management and Director of the Master of Arts in Cultural Management programme with the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). He is also Visiting Professor with the Design School of Taylor’s University (Malaysia) and Adjunct Professor of Communication and Media Studies with UniPegaso (Italy). For more than two decades, Benny has produced and conceptualised over 70 different performances and arts festivals. He was a Board Member of Hong Kong Justice Centre between 2014 and 2016. Currently, Benny is the Board Chair of Along the Edge Limited, a non-profit arts organisation in Hong Kong, as well as a member the Programme Sub-committee of The TENG Company, Singapore. In January 2023, Benny is appointed as an Arts Advisor (Arts Administration) for the Hong Kong Arts Development Council.

张逸旻 | Zhang Yimin

张逸旻 | Zhang Yimin


Literary critic, translator and poet. She is a Distinguished Research Fellow in the School of Literature at Zhejiang University. She was a visiting scholar at University of Michigan. Her research centers on twentieth-century American literature, intermedial poetry and poetics. Her Chinese translation of the All My Pretty Ones: Selected Poems of Anne Sexton was published in 2018.

魏冰心 | Wei Bingxin

魏冰心 | Wei Bingxin


Host and program producer, holds the position of Chief Editor at the Phoenix Reading Channel. Her role extends to being the overall coordinator behind several popular video programs, including "The Influencer," "Spring Poetry Enchantment," "Culture Spotlight" and several other projects.


刘子琪,北京师范大学艺术与传媒学院研究生,现代舞理论与创作方向。曾参演李超作品《卡冈图亚》。其编导演出的舞蹈影像作品《在说无可说之前》曾入选2023年芬兰冬季艺术节、北京国际舞蹈影像艺术季展映,并入围罗马国际舞蹈大赛影像组決赛;参与编导演出舞蹈影像作品《寻物启事》入选2021年 EMW 国际舞蹈艺术节。

刘子琪,北京师范大学艺术与传媒学院研究生,现代舞理论与创作方向。曾参演李超作品《卡冈图亚》。其编导演出的舞蹈影像作品《在说无可说之前》曾入选2023年芬兰冬季艺术节、北京国际舞蹈影像艺术季展映,并入围罗马国际舞蹈大赛影像组決赛;参与编导演出舞蹈影像作品《寻物启事》入选2021年 EMW 国际舞蹈艺术节。



窦筱,舞者,演员,肢体、木偶艺术工作者,戏剧教育导师,编导。刘天池表演工坊·耕种剧场戏剧导师,不再儿戏(nomorepaly)戏剧肢体导师。 参演中国国家话剧院舞台剧《战马》,话剧《红玫瑰与白玫瑰》,原创肢体剧《深蓝》,原创肢体剧《零零零》,中英合作舞台剧《鹅鹅鹅》《小小云先生》《金龟子城堡历险记》。

窦筱,舞者,演员,肢体、木偶艺术工作者,戏剧教育导师,编导。刘天池表演工坊·耕种剧场戏剧导师,不再儿戏(nomorepaly)戏剧肢体导师。 参演中国国家话剧院舞台剧《战马》,话剧《红玫瑰与白玫瑰》,原创肢体剧《深蓝》,原创肢体剧《零零零》,中英合作舞台剧《鹅鹅鹅》《小小云先生》《金龟子城堡历险记》。



陈佳欣,自由舞者,编舞。2018-2022年北京玩代舞团驻团舞者,与国内外知名艺术家合作,出演多部舞剧并担任编舞。个人现代舞作品《惶\Grasp》荣获“法国PDE国际舞蹈大赛”金奖、剧院大奖Grand Prix de Théâtre;《不要伤害我》受邀参加阿那亚冬季艺术驻留计划。参演舞蹈影像作品《岛》入围“无人之境”北京电影节并上映。

陈佳欣,自由舞者,编舞。2018-2022年北京玩代舞团驻团舞者,与国内外知名艺术家合作,出演多部舞剧并担任编舞。个人现代舞作品《惶\Grasp》荣获“法国PDE国际舞蹈大赛”金奖、剧院大奖Grand Prix de Théâtre;《不要伤害我》受邀参加阿那亚冬季艺术驻留计划。参演舞蹈影像作品《岛》入围“无人之境”北京电影节并上映。




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