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时间/日期Date/Time 2014.7.23(三/Wed)︱16:00 场馆Venue 繁星戏剧村Star Theatres 长度Duration 15分钟15 min 节目Programme 《

时间/日期Date/Time 2014.7.23(三/Wed)︱16:00

场馆Venue 繁星戏剧村Star Theatres

长度Duration 15分钟15 min

节目Programme 《孤修寂炼》Innermost

编舞Choreographer 蔡博丞(中国台湾)TSAI Po-cheng (TW, CN)

音乐Music 克罗诺斯四重奏团Kronos Ouartet

灯光Lighting 张廷仲ZHANG Ting-jhong

服装Costume 蔡博丞TSAI Po-cheng

舞者Dancers 蔡博丞、赖翃中TSAI Po-cheng, LAI Hung-chung

节目简介Programme Description


Most of the pain in life is caused by worries of the past and present, and bitter fruits thus arise.  If you want to relieve yourself from the suffering, you have to search for your inner harmony. But, do you really know what the real voice of your mind is?

编舞简介About the Choreographer


TSAI Po-cheng is an independent choreographer from Taiwan. After graduating from Taipei National University of the Arts, he furthered his study in Broadway Dance Center, New York in 2007. His works are unique and diverse, which combine dance theatre and physical technique naturally. He was selected as one of the Taiwanese Representatives in 2010 Asian Young Choreographer Project. His piece Floating Flower won the Choice Award in Taiwan's National Creative Dance Competition 2013, and was invited to China Dance Forward 2014 in Hong Kong and won both Audience Award and Stuttgart Dance Company Production Award in Hannover International Competition for Choreographers. TSAI Po-cheng was invited as guest choreographer for many professional dance companies, including Kaohsiung City Ballet, Taipei Physical Education College and Tsoying Senior High School.

媒体评论Press Review


“Tsai, still only in his mid-20s is clearly talented, but sometimes less is more.”

---Critical Dance Magazine


Website https://www.facebook.com/tsaipocheng?fref=ts



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